November 2022

Photo by, Tony Dynamou: Autumn Created by Miranda at CyHerbia Botanical Gardens, Avgorou,

It’s November
It’s November, my favourite month, mainly coz the long hot summer is definitely over, or is it? coz we predicted we’re gonna have another Indian Summer, with temperatures expected as high as 28°C this month it looks like we were right.  So, you’ll still be able to wear shorts and tee-shirt by day, and even chill around the pool or pop down to the beach to top up the tan for Christmas, did I just say Christmas? omg! …

Chilly nights
Having said that, once that sun sets, almost with a click of your fingers, you’ll probably have to put long sleeves on, and as the clocks went back on Saturday 29th October, that’s going to be around 4.30 pm by mid November … Do you think it’s time to take the quilt out for an airing?, ha! I’ve got mine out!

With things here a little more relaxed these days, the season for exhibitions and festivals  is well and truly underway, and we should also see lots of end of summer closing parties, any excuse to clear all the stock, oh and, naturally that will bring lots of winter opening parties, and maybe some Christmas markets too! … did I say Christmas again??

Late Breaks
It’s nice to still see an element of life about, in Napa on Halloween weekend it was busy on the ‘T’ at the end of bar street.  Castle Club, as always is a must on Halloween Night and rumour has it they’ll stay open on weekends for the local market this winter and expect some big name DJ’s on the decks.  I’m hearing there’s still loads of people in the UK and various other EU countries that just want or need to get away to the sun.  So, as Cyprus has Europe’s best climate I’m expecting to see the coastal resorts busier than normal for November with several bars and restaurants staying open for the winter this year, even Los Bandidos Mexican … who said Napa was dead???

Winter Destination
I’ve been here 30 years now, and watched Cyprus change loads, and I’m absolutely certain Cyprus is looking at ways to enhance our winter season, not just because we have the best weather in Europe and btw, in December we can ski in the Troodos Mountains in the morning and swim in the Med in the afternoon … oh, and on that note, Troodos is wonderful in the autumn, some call it ‘Heaven’? ha! well, it’s almost high enough! … so, take a drive or better still give one of our 4 Wheel Drive Safari Companies a call, and you’ll see the real Cyprus but with an experienced guide to put you in the know!

Beaujolais Nouveau
The new fresh wine arrives in Cyprus on Thursday 17th November, I wonder which eatery will be first to pour it in their glasses … My money is on Savino Rock Bar in Larnaca, The Queen Vic in Napa, O’Niell’s Irish Bar & Grill in Paphos! Hmm or Molly Malones in Limassol?

Wine Tasting
It’s touring season, and one really nice idea is to go Beer or Wine Tasting and of course, it’ll give you an excuse to say “it’s not too early” for your first glass and just in case you’re not in the know, Cyprus boasts some of the world’s finest wines, so you’re all in for a treat … oh and, you can now enjoy several Wine Tasting Routes all signposted for you to follow and we’ve got one really good one called ‘Driving you to Drink’ written for What’s On by my very good friend Stanna many years ago and I’ve received loads of compliments over the years.  Time to stock up for Christmas? … Nooo, I said it again !!!

One Word
Oh, and you all know I’m trying to keep you in the know about what’s on and I have a such passion for this amazing rock and I’m loving sharing it with you!  So with lots of events and Things to Do everywhere, you just have to follow What’s On Cyprus on our Facebook page, daily, or check out our web site, choose a city and try a one word search, there’s over 1,800 pages and 25,000 photos and videos to discover!  And, if I hear you say there’s nothing to do, I’ll put you on the next flight outta here!

Quite Bazaar
It’s the start of winter, so many of our bars swing towards the Cypriot market and the eating out scene goes right through to Christmas and many local pubs, bars and community centres all over Cyprus put on Bingo Nights, Quiz Nights, Horse Racing Nights, and events.  Plus Car boot sales, Christmas Bazaar’s and well you name it!  Remember that this rock isn’t very big so you can jump in the car and easily get out and about.

Live Music
Many bars have live music in the winter months, something to warm your cockles … Savino Live in Larnaca as always with an awesome line up for the winter, so too O’Neills Irish Bar & Grill in Paphos, Blue Spice Restaurant and Koursaros Bar in Pernera.

Now I’ve always said Cyprus is versatility to the extreme, so if you fancy a little bird spotting get in touch with Birdlife Cyprus as it’s migrating season and they usually have a Family Birdwatching Day at Athalassa Park in Nicosia.  Oh and the Flamingos have already started landing in Larnaca … And I’m looking forward to getting up to the mountains this winter, might even try out a bit of Husky Sledding

Cultural Cyprus
After Paphos hosted the European Capital of Culture a few years back, it’s really nice to see aftershocks from it, all over Cyprus, so keep your eyes peeled or check here … btw, if you’re looking for a professional firework display check out Pyrgos Fireworks website and I’ll imagine there will be a few restaurants and bars that’ll have fireworks on the 5th … for a look at more cultural events go to the Cyprus Tourist Organisation’s website … The Rialto Theatre in Limassol has a busy November with several different performances arranged!

Catch Up
For us residents, November normally offers us a chance to strike up a few BBQ’s with good friends we haven’t seen for the past 6 months, the aromas delightful.   Hunting season started so expect to see a little game on the BBQ and on the stoves, with authentic restaurants adding seasonal Woodpigeon and Hare favourites to their menu.

It’s been a crazy season for me, to say the least, as many repeat visitors, made it over for the first time in 3 years … evidently missing their second home, aka Paradise and remember, November is normally the start of stormy season, and as we only get 30 to 45 days rain between now and May, I can handle that! … Don’t panic, rain one day, gone the next, so you’ll still get a fab tan or you’ll have to go get one sprayed on at many of our Hair & Beauty Salons and Spas lol

You tell us …
We love to receive your comments, ideas, events and stories, so please keep them coming … and if you get anything from this guide of places I’ve tried and tested and can confidently highly recommend, please say hi to the boss from me and if you think your business has something to shout about, why not tell us, and then we’ll tell them!

One Word
It’s so easy to check who’s open, what to do, where to go, and What’s On … all you have to do is choose a city, choose one of the 16 main categories, then one of the 60 sub categories, or just try a one-word search … and you’re three clicks away from a phone number and a map.

I’d just like to give a big shout out to all our members that help make this Network possible and all of you who follow us, thanks especially to those of you that came up to say hi to me this year, your compliments are priceless and it makes it all worthwhile.  And really finally, if I can give you one tip … Make sure you do at least one thing you’ve never done before!!! … and next month I might mean to mention Christmas 😉

Na dah bou’men
Tony Dynamou
Cover Photo: 
