Changing Directions
I remember when I first met Jean Maycock back in 2015, she told me; “Life often changes direction, and I decided to move to Cyprus and come out of retirement to continue with my teaching practice, working closely with nature, in a warm climate, allowing me to hold many outdoor lessons at various beach and rocky coastal locations.
Yoga and Meditation
Finding a front-line villa, Jean also launched The Fine Art School of Yoga & Meditation Studio, just 100 metres from the sea in Kapparis … She continued; “Then I found myself being invited to teach at various locations throughout Cyprus”.
I recently had a little session of Yoga in the sea with Jean where amazingly, seventy-nine-year-old Jean, who’s had two hip replacements told me; “These days I’ve become more authentic, I’m loving life, the reality of life, and as I don’t want to live under any illusions, I teach the same. And, now I practice just for me, much as I also still do a little one-to-one teaching and some more personal and independent Yoga Teacher Training, where Health and Saftey is the foundation of what I teach”.
Unique Aura
Jean, comes from a dairy farming family in the tiny Oswald Twistle village on the Moors of North Manchester. During our recent chat, Jean told me; “Nothing happens by chance!” … “I moved to Cyprus in 2008 to retire in a warm climate, with lots of sunshine, and good energy”. I asked why Cyprus? … Jean said; “I chose Cyprus for many reasons, mainly its climate, its history, Greek Mythology and that unique aura”. That aura has attracted the art world to Cyprus for literally thousands of years. Jean continued; “I immediately realised this was where I could deepen my Yoga and Meditation practice.
Jean’s qualifications are exemplary including a Teaching Diploma, a Certificate in Education to City and Guilds 7307, also; The Royal Society of Arts, Counselling Skills within the Development of Learning and Education. Jean also qualified with the British Wheel of Yoga in the mid-nineties and went on to become a Diploma Course Tutor for aspiring Yoga teachers.
Self Healing
Jean now has over 44 years experience, and almost a lifetime’s practice, and has worked with many world-acclaimed and reputable teachers, covering all the limbs of Yoga so you can be sure you are getting the very best in your personal development! After a double hip replacement, caused by a dental reaction that attacked her immune system Jean has used Yoga and Meditation to help heal herself.
Yoga Teacher Training.
Post Graduate Courses in Specific Areas, including Breathing, Meditation, Developing. Personal Practice and Adjustment in Posture.
Yoga Philosophy, Classical and Modern.
Personal, 1 to 1 and Small Group Sessions
Yoga as a Therapy
Sound & Mantra
2 & 3 Day Courses to Deepen your Yoga Studies during your short visit to Cyprus.
Developing an appropriate and personal practice to improve physical and mental well-being through the discipline of Yoga and Meditation. Jean’s main aim as a teacher is to encourage students to access, listen and trust their true inner voice, to be honest, and to develop the confidence to let go of fear, to go into the unknown and discover themselves.
Open All Year
By Appointment Only
‘The Earth has Music to those who Listen’
William Shakespeare