Medical, Doctors and Pharmacies

The National Health Service & some alternatives

Naturally, in any emergency, you can visit any of our general hospitals that will provide much similar Accident & Emergency service as you would expect anywhere else in Europe.  Alternatively, pop into one of the private clinics to see the accident and emergency department or a general practitioner who will be able to help.

The private clinics will charge for their service and in most cases, some of these fees might be redeemable from your travel insurance.  Some private clinics also assign to GeSy, the Cyprus National Health Service, available for Cypriot residents.

As you would expect in any other European country, pharmacists will require a prescription to prescribe certain appropriate medication, so make sure, in case you might need it, or lose your supply, that you carry some form of proof from your doctor of the type of medicine and the dosage you will require.

Toiletries & Cosmetics
The majority of pharmacies also provide a selection of toiletries, perfumes, sunglasses, and typical contents of a first aid kit, often providing helpful, friendly service and advice.

Every Corner
You’ll find a pharmacy pretty much on every corner in most towns.  They open at the same times as the shops, so they close half-day on Wednesdays and Saturdays and all day on Sundays.

24 Hour Service
Please don’t worry; by law, at least one pharmacy in each district stays open to provide a 24-hour service, much as you might have to wake them up in the early hours.  You should find a poster in any pharmacy window telling you the nearest pharmacist that is open.

For more info, including telephone numbers, click the following links …
For the Cyprus Pharmacies website and a link to all Pharmacies in Cyprus

Out of Hours
Open Pharmacies out of working hours click here .. Emergency Pharmacies a big shout out to Cyprus Mail for this link